Level Up Your Nutrition Game With Our Freebies
I provide nutrition coaching for endurance athletes to improve performance and body composition through a simple and flexible eating style.
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The fueling guide bundle serves as your one-stop-shop for strategies to fueling before, during and after your workouts.
So often we hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While breakfast provides countless benefits, there is no singular meal that is more important than the others. Though if you are an endurance athlete, eating breakfast before running is a vital way to boost your performance. Let’s discuss the vast benefits of breakfast and how to plan a fabulous and nourishing meal to fuel those miles ahead!
The benefits of breakfast are in its name as you are quite literally “breaking the (overnight) fast.” While you sleep, your body continuously utilizes glycogen (stored carbohydrate) to maintain normal physiological processes. This means when you wake from your overnight slumber, your glycogen gas tank may be near empty. Eating breakfast before running is an important start to fuel your day and those miles ahead. In addition, breakfast provides other key benefits such as:
If you are skimping on breakfast before running regularly, you will risk performance benefits. Underfueling before running can lead to inadequate nutrient intake, and an overall decrease in energy levels throughout the day. Chronic fatigue and a decrease in performance in workouts and in racing are also common. Long-term consequences of underfueling include injury and RED-S.
Common signs and symptoms of underfueling can range in severity. When athletes are not fueling prior to those morning miles, they may experience constant hunger, fatigue and irritability throughout the day. Hunger pangs while running, gastrointestinal distress, and muscle cramps can also be unwanted side effects of underfueling.
Many runners are unintentionally guilty of underfueling at breakfast which is often due to lack of planning and preparing ahead. Fortunately breakfast before running does not need to be elaborate or glamorous. Let’s review what to include to fuel those miles.
Carbohydrates are premium fuel when it comes to filling your nutrition tank because carbohydrates are the body’s favorite, most efficient, source of energy. When you consume carbohydrates, your body breaks the food into glucose (sugar) and either uses it for activity (i.e. an upcoming run) or converts into glycogen to be used later. It is important to recognize that not all carbohydrates are the same. Though depending on how much time you have before you run, you may consume both simple and complex carbohydrates for fuel. When planning your breakfast before running, consider the following:
Simple carbs are easy-to-digest and are found in raw sugar, energy gels, energy or sports drinks, fruit and fruit juices, soda, candy, and foods with added sugars such as cookies and desserts. Foods that are high in simple carbohydrate content are low in dietary fiber and break down quickly to be used as energy. These foods are fantastic to include in your breakfast before running to provide a quick source of energy. Particularly if you are short on time, simple carbohydrate-rich food and beverages are easiest to digest.
Complex carbs take longer to digest and are found in higher fiber, nutrient-dense foods such as whole grains (barley, brown rice, quinoa, oats), legumes including beans and lentils, starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes and pumpkin, among others. These foods are excellent to include throughout the day in meals and snacks to boost your vitamin and mineral intake and help keep you feeling satisfied. However, if you have a sensitive stomach, you may want to caution higher-fiber foods in your breakfast before running. Then be sure to include complex carbohydrate sources at other meals and snacks during the day.
Plain and simple, hydration is essential pre-run. A dehydrated athlete is not a well-performing athlete. Science has shown us that staying hydrated can have many overall benefits for athletes. Benefits of hydration for athletes include:
Additionally, hydration can be beneficial for other aspects of your health:
While hydration is important any time of the day, ideally you want to aim for 16oz of fluids 1-2 hours prior to your run or training session. Including carbohydrate and electrolyte-rich fluids at your breakfast before running can be an easy way to meet fluid, carbohydrate and electrolyte goals. Be sure to review our blog post on a few of our favorite sports drink beverages.
Repeat after me– glamorous is not always better. Your breakfast before running does not need to be overwhelmingly elaborate or fancy. Sometimes, a seemingly ordinary breakfast truly is better and well-tolerated. Also, it is always important to consider cultural and personal preferences when planning your pre-run eating routine. With that said, drumroll please. My team and I have a few favorite breakfast go-to options which include:
The above options are quick and easy-to-digest. Though do remember, the longer the workout, the more carbohydrates you will need. In that case, you may want to plan accordingly and allow yourself more time to digest these options:
Please also note that exact serving sizes vary depending on each individual athlete.
Each athlete is also very different in timing of a pre-run meal. Many athletes that I work with have historically avoided breakfast altogether before running. Mostly in fear of unwanted gastrointestinal issues. However, practicing your breakfast before running routine is one of the easiest ways to train your gut over time.
It is absolutely okay to start small when you are adding breakfast into your morning routine. Even if this means ½ glass of fruit juice. Once you better determine what foods and beverages your body tolerates, then experiment with boosting the volume. If you have never been a breakfast eater, allow yourself more time to digest, if able. Unfortunately this may mean setting your dreaded morning alarm even earlier.
When I work with athletes to nail down a set breakfast before running routine, typically we discuss the following:
If you are a particularly early riser in hopes to beat the heat, preparing breakfast the evening before may be advantageous. Some athletes also commit an hour or two on the weekend to meal prepping for the week. A couple strategies to make breakfast before running easier include:
As an endurance athlete with many adventures ahead, breakfast needs to be a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. If you are new to the breakfast game, be sure to experiment with many different options to see what works best for you. Once you fine tune your breakfast routine, stick with it. If you are having a difficult time putting the pieces of the breakfast puzzle together, be sure to reach out. Working with a sports dietitian can boost your breakfast game in no time!
I provide nutrition coaching for endurance athletes to improve performance and body composition through a simple and flexible eating style.
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